

Upon checking on our end we haven’t encountered any issues with https://sinergie.misy.eu/ URL. We were able to create UserView script and play it without issues in both: EveryStep Scripting Tool and EveryStep Player.

You can check this article for differences between SV and UV platforms:

Try to perform the following actions on your end with logs enabled and under your user:

1) To enable logging in EveryStep Scripting Tool: exit the Scripting Tool,
create “C:\Users\<YOUR USER NAME>\AppData\Roaming\Dotcom-Monitor\Logs\” folder.
2) Stop a “Secondary logon” service or delete an “EveryStepScripting” user. Upon relaunch of the Scripting Tool you should decline creating a user and starting a service. This will allow to run Scripting Tool under your user privileges.
3) Create a script from scratch, play it at least one time inside Scripting Tool and save it on disk locally.
4) Click down arrow to the right of “start playing” button inside Scripting Tool and click “play in loop”. Then press “Start” in window that appeared (enter Alert Email if necessary).

Please let us know about issues at specific step, if any. Zip log files under “C:\Users\<YOUR USER NAME>\AppData\Roaming\Dotcom-Monitor\Logs\” folder and send them to support@dotcom-monitor.com address.